As I begin to think about a new year, I reflect upon this year.
It has been a painful year physically, and some emotionally as well.
I am glad that My heavenly Father knows what is best and that I've listened
and have tried to follow His guide. I've questioned Him many times, and I've
not always received an answer. Well, not one that I wanted. He would just say,
"Stay with Me, Kay. I know the way." Why?, And He would say,
"Because." Or, He would say, "You'll see."
He has brought me a year rich in His blessings. Blessings so rich that to write
it here may be a bit of a difficult thing to do.
He has taught me what a heart can feel when it lets go of a burden of unforgiveness.
I never dreamed of the joy that was mine just for forgiving someone that wronged me.
The weight I carried around for most of my life was lifted the very moment I said I forgive.
My heart was healed, and I learned to love. I don't know that I ever felt so much love.
I began to understand more of God's love.
Oh, the pain He felt giving us the plan for the Salvation of my very own soul. I've learned
to put my pain up against the pain of Jesus' suffering and the cross He bore. My pain is so
small compared to that. So, I've learned to say," thank You" for the pain, if it benefits another
soul. God has used my physical pain for His glory this year. Back surgery, nerve damage,
hip recall and waiting for a revision surgery. I've seen Him open doors to pay the doctors,
hospitals and tests after tests. I've seen Him open the eyes of doubtful people that said
it wasn't possible to get an appointment. He has worked in many ways I shall never
know, but the lives He has touched in working through mine I hope has been all for His glory.
He blessed with beautiful words to write poetry this year, almost 300 poems to express His
wonders, blessings, miracles, and life experiences while I have been unable to be on the go.
Now, I would not have written any if I had been full of vigor and health. I know that they
have been read and people have been touched by many of them. I prayed over each one
as I have shared them. Oh, how much I've grown this year.
His Word has been a mainstay in my life more and more every day. Such a beautiful
story, and love letters written all through the Bible.
I've learned to talk to Him, about anything, anywhere. He listens and I have felt His
presence so close this year. He is my greatest friend.
I suppose my life may sound a bit boring, but quite the contrary. It has been a very good
year. The purpose and plans He has had for me this year will only be known in years to
come in the lives of many others. I have enjoyed a faithful relationship with My Lord.
I have felt the cry of war across the face of the earth, and in homes among my loved ones.
And, I have whole heartily learned to pray for peace and love behind closed doors here,
and open warfare across the globe.
My marriage has always been good, but this year our relationship has blossomed far
above any expectation I've had. I know that the closer I get to God, the closer I am with my husband.
I've not done much by my expectations of myself, but in light of heaven's throne maybe I
have. This time of reflection has shown me a great deal. God's richness is so different, and I'm so glad.
Many blessings to you, as you reflect upon this year, and make more room in your
heart for God next year. - Blessings, love and joy, Kay
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