2 Corinthians 5:17

"If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, behold, all things have become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17

Monday, March 7, 2011

Acting Out...Why?

Acting Out...Why?

Short and stout
Acting Out.
Busy Hands
Is this little man.
His eyes bright and brown
Looking around.
Love searching...
Yet, nothing.
Angry soul,
Nobody knows.
What is wrong?
Singing a sad song.
He still will smile
All the while.
Feeling abused
Brakes the rules.
Does He care
Or aware?
Of his actions...
Shoving love away,
How he behaves.
Yet, inside
Does he hide?
(c) Kay Hinson - 3-7-2011

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Special Treasure

Special Treasure

A special treasure is well pleasing.
Everyday love is increasing,
With no begging or pleading.

Obedient to the Master's voice
With happy heart and no remorse.
Keeping His covenant is my choice.

Joyful to be called The Master's treasure.
So special, knowing I'm His pleasure,
Because, His love is beyond all measure.

(c) Kay Hinson   3-2-11

Monday, February 28, 2011

Written in Love

Written in Love

I am written in love
Upon my heart strings,
From the Almighty I Am above.
The only wise King!
Not written in ink
But, by God's Spirit,
The most Holy link.
Words of love, I feel it!
Not written on paper or stone
But, on my heart inside.
He didn't write there just for me alone.
It is where we come together and abide.
(c) Kay Hinson
2-28-2011 - 2 Corinthians 3:3

Saturday, January 1, 2011

No room

No Room

Visiting my heart's secret place

Puts a frown on my Lord's face.

Yet, these things I continue to keep,

Because, love longings runs so deep.

Thoughts of knowing I have them

Are not all proper or prim.

Unforgiveness stained from years

While hiding in dark shadows here.

Broken toys loved long-ago,

I still desire to hold and know.

Things treasured have locks and keys,

Where hidden and no one sees.

Then I hear, “These things you adore?

You've no room for Me, The Lord!”

1-1-2011 (c) Kay Hinson